Setting Up the Perfect fMan for my Needs
fMan is the best file manager out there. But as one of its best features is minimalism, some configurations are in order to make it more suitable to my needs. So lets begin tweaking fMan to be the best file manager for my needs. Install fMan Install Search Functionality Ctrl+Shift+P will bring up the command palette, "install a plugin" Install plugin: Search Now you can search for any specific file from inside fMan by clicking CTRL+f7 (or command palette and search for "search"). Install Preview Functionality Install plugin: Preview (This enables previewing any file using f3) For the preview to work, you need to install a 3rd party previewer, so install QuickLook Now click on any file with the f3 key When asked for a preview utility, point it to: %localappdata%\Programs\QuickLook\QuickLook.exe Enjoy this quick and amazing preview functionality (better than any other around), you can preview ANY file, be it a compressed file, exe, text