The good and the bad about Sierra's online Quests
Originally Ken & Roberta Williams began their Sierra Quests while trying to invent a new Genre - Interactive books. Roberta loved the idea of having kids play a fairy tale book thus King's Quest I was created. Her inspirations were text games which were games without any graphical trace, so on the screen you would see a description of where you are now and you could try doing things using your imagination and the text parser. Roberta thought to upgrade these games by adding graphics and having the player move the main character over the screen (yes, without a mouse) in order to move between screens or moving in the same screen getting to various objects, while still sending commands using her text parser (move rock, climb tree [Spoilers?] etc). Sierra quests were massive success and actually were a beginning of a genre, but as with many genre inventers (except Steve Jobs as he was perfect) she tried her hand in inventing these types of games, and many game des...