D-link DU-E100 Driver (USB to Lan)

Several years ago (at about 2002) I found this store which got stuck with a large amount of these usb to lan cards, so they sold the card for about 6$ a piece; it's not that I needed one, it was just the great price.

I bought with a friend of mine about 10-20 pieces and sold them for double the price.

Anyway, I kept one for myself of course, and of course - I didn't use it till... today.

My Ethernet card stopped working suddenly and I didn't have any access to the internet, I started looking for a solution, till I found this old card - old but useful (I'm writing this post using the same card).

The problem was finding the driver, although I had the original 1.44 inch disk, it is useless when you don't have any slot to insert it - and no, you can't insert a diskette into a USB port.
So I started looking in the internet, and I found out that D-Link doesn't have the driver on their site, and I couldn't find it anywhere else!

I didn't have any choice but to take the diskette to my work and copy it a USB flash disk, in order to copy it to my computer so I could write this post.

Then I thought, If I found it hard to find this driver - maybe others too will find it difficult, why not help them out?

So here's the link to the driver,



Anonymous said…
Stumbling across the Internet and found this post. I too have actually needed this device today but I am having trouble installing the drivers on an XP machine.
From a google search I've found multiple sites (two of which are D-Link's own) all of which have the same drivers (pre XP and XP).
The problem I'm having is that XP tells me that the drivers do not apply to the device when they really do.
Do you perhaps know of a way around this?
Anonymous said…
After taking another look at the device I can see it reads Teledat Fast Ethernet USB on the front. I Googled it with the accompanying keywords of "xp driver" and found out on the DriverGuide.com website that the D-Link DSB-650TX XP Driver does indeed work for the adapter I have.

But, now I'm having trouble enabling ICS on two XP machines to tide me over until I can purchase a new wireless AP.
Ah well will keep trying...
Anonymous said…
Woo, thought I'd update and conclude these posts.
For some reason the DHCP part of ICS was not giving out an IP to the client so I manually typed this out as:
which told windows where to go for the Internet. Even within the Network Connections window did it say I had an Internet Connection provided by the host PC but websites would not load.
It turns out that while I had set the IP so Windows knew where to go for the host of ICS it did not know where to go for the Internet. I had neglected to type in the IP of the router! After adding it's IP into the Primary DNS Server box the Internet is now available to the wireless-less PC!

Thank you for allowing me to occupy some of your website while I solved the issue. Now to only get those few hours back!
avi said…
Thanks Ian for your comments, I am happy you managed to get the driver at last and I hope your comments will aid more people googling for the same problems.

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